Whiplash Defined by a Personal Injury Lawyer Manchester NH

It is very common for a personal injury lawyer Manchester NH to encounter clients who have suffered from what is commonly thought of as “whiplash.” This type of injury, which might also be referred to as a cervical sprain/strain or a hyperextension injury, is considered the most common type of injury to the muscles and ligaments of the neck that occurs in a crash that forces a person’s head to “whip” back and forth. This type of injury is very common in automobile crashes, but it can also occur in slip and fall events, during a physical assault, or even in a sports-related injury. “Whiplash” is sometimes thought of as a negative term for these types of injuries. Many people associate the term with a non-serious injury. Unfortunately, these injuries can be very serious and lead to additional physical problems.
Understanding Whiplash
A whiplash can occur in any type of accident that causes the neck and head to move violently from back to front. Even a low speed or low impact car crash can cause this to occur. The most important thing to remember, as a personal injury lawyer Manchester NH at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC will explain, is that evidence of a whiplash occurring may not happen immediately. When a crash occurs, it is natural to assume that the headache and aches you are feeling are associated with the stress of the crash or will quickly pass. Many people do not even realize right away that their head was jerked back and forth so violently during impact. However, over the next few days following a crash, signs of a whiplash can occur. These symptoms may include:
- Headache that is dull and continual
- Stiff or sore neck
- Aching in the neck that is very dull but constant
- Dizziness and/or problems with concentration
- Nausea
- Problems with balance or feeling of motion sickness
- Backache
- Problems with your memory
If these symptoms occur, you should see a medical specialist to have your neck examined and treated. These specialists may include a neurologist, a neck and back specialist, an orthopedic, or a chiropractor. Your neck and back will be carefully examined and a determination will be made as to what is causing your symptoms. Your medical care provider may require you to immobilize your neck with a brace, take medications, or attend physical therapy for your injury. It is very important that you comply with all medical advice and treatment plans so that you can maximize the chances that you will make a full recovery. In many cases, a person who suffered from a whiplash will experience relief within a few weeks, and make a full recovery in a few months. More severe cases may require extended medical care. Your personal injury lawyer Manchester NH at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC will also recommend that you seek any additional medical care necessary when you have received a neck or back injury of this manner. Whiplash may seem like a minor injury, but it can leave you very susceptible to additional neck and back injuries and other physical problems if left untreated.
Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer in Manchester NH About Your Case Today
If you have been injured in a crash that is the result of another person’s negligent actions, you are encouraged to call the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. One of their attorneys will gladly look over the facts of your case and provide you with the next steps in seeking medical care and compensation. Call us at 603-624-7200 to speak with one of our personal injury lawyers about your case.