Taking a Stand at Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC with Standing Workstations

The partners at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC, were featured
Standing Workstation
Charles Greenhalgh of Cooper Cargill Chant walks at his Trek Desk in his North Conway, NH, office, where several attorneys have treadmill or standup desks.
in a recent New Hampshire Bar News Article regarding ergonomic workstations. At this time, all of our attorneys have standing workstations, and several other members of the firm are in the process of converting. As the article explains, standing workstations can be created with a minimum of effort and investment.
The full article can be read here – Take a Stand: NH Bar members explore ergonomic solutions
Charles Greenhalgh of Cooper Cargill Chant walks at his Trek Desk in his North Conway, NH, office, where several attorneys have treadmill or standup desks.