Suing for Crashes Involving Government Vehicles in New Hampshire

While government vehicles are often operated in a responsible manner, there is always the possibility that they may cause crashes. Examples of government vehicles include buses, police cars, and postal trucks. In recent weeks, all three of these vehicles have been involved in crashes – and many of these crashes resulted in injuries. If you have been injured in a crash involving a government vehicle, you might be wondering if it’s possible to sue. Generally, the answer is yes although there may be issues with governmental immunity, which is one of the reasons why you should immediately contact a personal injury attorney if you have been hit by a government vehicle.
Nashua City Bus Collides with Cyclist
Back in September of 2023, it was reported that a cyclist had been struck by a city bus in Nashua City. Both were heading in the same direction, which suggests that the cyclist was rear-ended by the bus. Fortunately, the injured cyclist received hospital treatment – and his injuries were said to be non-life-threatening. Investigators immediately stated that the cause of the accident wasn’t clear – and that they needed to look into surveillance cameras attached to the bus.
US Postal Service Truck Catches Fire
On September 30th, it was reported that a USPS truck had mysteriously gone up in flames. The incident occurred near Meredith, and the fire seems to have erupted from the engine area for no reason. The driver backed up to a safe distance, and all he could do was watch as the truck was completely consumed by fire. Authorities say that mail was destroyed in the blaze. It is worth mentioning that the USPS is currently in the process of transitioning to electric vehicles, and these electric vehicles are known to spontaneously combust in some cases.
Driver Killed in Police Chase
On October 2nd, it was reported that a driver had lost his life after being chased by police in Portsmouth. The authorities say that this individual’s only crime was having an expired inspection sticker. Upon spotting the expired sticker and some “front-end damage,” police initiated a chase. The driver did not stop, and he continued to evade police before ultimately crashing. The crash proved to be fatal. The subject of “no-chase” policies has been a major talking point in New Hampshire, with some arguing that police should not risk the lives of citizens by initiating these dangerous pursuits. While you might argue that this individual should have stopped, the crime of an expired sticker was hardly causing a threat to society. Perhaps most importantly, the chase could have put bystanders in danger.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in New Hampshire?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Manchester personal injury attorney, look no further than the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs. We know that government vehicles are fully capable of contributing to crashes in many situations. With our help, you can explore your legal options and determine the most appropriate course of action. Reach out today to get started.