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Suing for a Dump Truck Crash in New Hampshire


Dump trucks are more dangerous than many people realize. If you were harmed by one of these vehicles, you already know just how hazardous they can be. How do you recover the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses? What about the wages you miss while you recover? You might also develop various psychological issues due to the trauma of an incident like this. When is a dump truck company liable for these damages? How do you sue for a dump truck crash in New Hampshire?

Dump Trucks Accidents Are All Too Common in New Hampshire 

Not only are dump truck accidents in New Hampshire common, but they also routinely cause fatalities. In July of 2024, it was reported that a man had been killed after a dump truck rolled over in Concord. Police say that the victim was on Interstate 293 when an F-550 dump truck “rolled backward” onto him.

The accident seems to have occurred under extremely unclear circumstances. The report indicates that the victim may have been on foot at the time of the accident, and he may have been a worker operating alongside the dump truck driver. Whatever the case may be, first responders arrived to find him stuck underneath the vehicle. They quickly determined that the impact had been fatal, and police noted that the incident was probably accidental.

Why Are Dump Trucks So Dangerous? 

While the aforementioned incident might have been accidental, this doesn’t entirely eliminate the possibility of negligence. By default, dump trucks carry unbalanced loads – making rollovers extremely common. Workers might toss junk and other items into a dump truck in a highly casual manner – with no effort to distribute the weight equally. As a result, the dump truck may drive with one side of its trailer filled with heavy metal objects – with the other side containing only cardboard. This leads to a heightened rollover risk.

In addition, dump trucks tend to make sudden, unexpected stops. They might pull over to pick up trash without warning. Dump trucks often struggle with blind spots, and these blind spots endanger pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

Another major risk involves objects falling from dump trucks and striking innocent people. This is especially common with overloaded dump trucks. A piece of metal might fall from an open-topped dump container, striking a windshield and causing catastrophic injuries for a motorist. This open-topped design is an inherent hazard for dump trucks in New Hampshire.

Find an Experienced Dump Truck Accident Lawyer in New Hampshire 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced Manchester truck accident lawyer, look no further than The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC. We are well aware of how dangerous dump trucks can be, and we’re ready to guide you toward the compensation you deserve. Reach out today to discuss your legal options in more detail – and get started with an effective action plan.



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