Sherry, a wrongful death client

I met Ms. Zimmerman at a time during my life no mother or any other person for that matter, should ever endure. At first I was somewhat skeptical of Ms. Zimmerman’s sincerity and tested her abilities in every way that I could, unintentionally. Within a short amount of time Ms. Zimmerman became Anna, and although my life was turned upside down at the time, she kept me standing on level, solid ground and I will forever be grateful to her. In addition to her being a warm, understanding and caring person, she was and is the most astounding attorney I could have ever imagined being represented by and remains to this day not only a professional in every sense of the word, but also a person that I feel honored in calling a friend. Anna Zimmerman is what every attorney should ever want to be and a person the legal society and or profession should be very proud of and should use as an example as a mold, guide or mentor. She is sincere, honest, understanding, caring, sensible and very smart. She will listen to you, cry with and for you and she will never forget the people or reason she is there to represent. I would recommend Anna Zimmerman to anyone that is in need of help and seeks the very best there is in their time of need. I will forever be grateful, thank you Anna.