How To Enter
The deadline for submitting scholarship entries is April 15th each year and is ONLY AVAILABLE TO NEW HAMPSHIRE STUDENTS. The winner will receive a $1000.00 scholarship, and the runner-up will receive a $500.00 scholarship. The scholarship funds will be paid directly to the school the student will be attending.
Submit a written essay of 500-750 words addressing all the following questions:
- How significant is distracted driving in your peer group, and what experiences regarding distracted driving have you experienced firsthand?
- What can be done as an individual and as a society to deter distracted driving and make our roadways safer?
- Name
- Mailing address
- Email address
- Phone number
- Name of your high school
Submit essay to our office via:
- Email to;
- Hand delivery or mail to: Law Office of Manning, Zimmerman & Oliveira, 87 Middle Street, Manchester, NH 03101; or
- Facsimile to 603-624-7201.
Please note that a failure to include all the requested information could result in your entry not being considered. If you should have any questions about our scholarship program, please contact Emily Mulchahey at (603) 624-7200 or at
The odds of being selected a scholarship recipient will depend upon the number of eligible entries received. The recipients will be selected based upon the quality of their submission, not at random.
All submissions are due no later than April 15, 2024. By submitting a scholarship entry, entrants agree that the decisions concerning the recipients shall be final and binding. Based upon the quality of submissions, the sponsor reserves the right to award only one or neither of the scholarships.
The recipients of the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC Distracted Driving Scholarships will receive $1,000 toward tuition at any post-secondary educational program or institution (including universities, community colleges, or vocational schools) that is intended to grant a degree or certificate. Payment will be made directly to the institution upon proof of enrollment.
According to the official scholarship rules, participation in the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC Distracted Driving Scholarships program means that the entrant guarantees that all content within the video or written submission is the entrant’s original work and does not violate any copyright, trademark, or intellectual property rights of a third party.
Use Rights
By submitting a scholarship entry, the entrant grants the Sponsor permission to copy, reproduce, and use their name/identity and their submission (and any content contained within) in all promotional and publishing aspects.
Limitations on Liability
Submitting a scholarship entry signifies that the entrant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless all coordinators of the scholarship program (including employees of the Sponsor, Facebook, YouTube, and anyone else involved in the organization of the scholarships) from any legal claim that results from taking part in the scholarship program. Additionally, the entrant agrees to release and waive any liability whatsoever for any claims, costs, injuries, losses, and damages that are incurred from involvement in the scholarship program.