Our NH Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss What to Do After an Injury

NH personal injury attorneys understand all too well that if you’ve suffered an injury, your number one job is to get better. The law calls this process of recovering from your injury is called “mitigating your damages.” The law requires you to do what you can to improve upon your condition. There are a number of reasons to do this, and some of the more important ones will be covered in this article.
Your Best Chance to Recover
When it comes to mitigating your damages, NH personal injury attorneys will urge you to see a doctor and closely follow their guidance. All too often, people want to take a “John Wayne” approach and skip seeing a doctor. Remember, this is not the time to be a tough guy and say “it’s just a flesh wound.” Some injuries, especially those involving trauma to the neck, ribs, back, spine, or hips can seemingly appear to get better on their own. Years later, chronic pain issues will arise that stem from the original injury. By that time, it may be too late to fully recover. In this event, people find themselves having to manage the pain of a chronic condition that could have been fully resolved had they only taken the time and effort to abide the prescribed treatment plan. It is important to know that just because you start feeling better, your treatment is by no means over. Follow through with every appointment with the treatment provider until they release you from treatment. Whether it’s a chiropractic adjustment or a physical therapy session, following through on the recommended treatment plan will help ensure you make the best possible recovery.
Financial Incentive
NH personal injury attorneys understand their clients seek a settlement or a jury verdict that will compensate them for their injuries. However, in order to get the best possible settlement, you must complete your treatment as outlined by your treatment provider. If the medical report shows you failed to show up for an appointment or did not follow the treatment plan, the amount of your settlement offer or jury verdict can be negatively impacted. While any personal injury attorney will affirm that there is no substitute for good health, a potential cash settlement can act as an incentive for you to do all that is required to mitigate the damage.
Contact NH Personal Injury Attorneys
Recovery from an injury is nothing short of your number one job. Your attorney is not a miracle worker; they are a vital member of your team. If you do your part well, they will be able to seek the best possible settlement offer or jury verdict. NH personal injury attorneys, especially those at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC, understand the role they and their clients play in successful recovery and subsequent settlement offers or jury verdicts. Contact the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC today at 603-624-7200.