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New Hampshire Truck Accident Allegedly Caused by “Sneezing Fit”


Many negligent drivers attempt to claim that they suffered some kind of “medical emergency” prior to crashing into other vehicles. This defense strategy can be frustrating for injured motorists, especially when the excuse seems especially dubious. Recently, a trucker claimed that he suffered from a “sneezing fit” before crashing into a guardrail. Fortunately, no other vehicles were involved in this New Hampshire crash. But what might have happened if someone died? Could the trucker escape consequences by pointing to his sneezing fit?

Trucker Claims He Crashed Because of Excessive Sneezing 

In May of 2024, numerous media sources reported on a strange truck accident in New Hampshire. According to the authorities, the box truck veered off the road and collided with a guardrail after the driver suffered a “sneezing fit.” After smashing into the guardrail, the truck veered back onto the road and rolled over. No one was seriously injured, and there were no other vehicles nearby.

Although this might seem like a dubious excuse for the accident, police reportedly confirmed it after their investigation. Investigators may have discovered that the driver suffered from hay fever or other allergies. Perhaps he forgot to take his medication that day. Maybe the truck was carrying cargo that triggered his allergies. Whatever the case may be, police seem to believe the man’s story.

The Emergency Doctrine in New Hampshire

 If you were injured by a truck driver who claims that they suffered some kind of medical emergency before the crash, it’s important to understand a legal concept called the “emergency doctrine.” Each state has its own way of approaching medical emergencies behind the wheel, and New Hampshire is no exception.

In New Hampshire, the defendant must establish that they were confronted with a “sudden and unexpected occurrence.” In addition, they must show that they were not responsible for creating this occurrence.

Often, drivers argue that they “blacked out” before the collision. Past cases such as Frechette v. Welch have established sufficient evidence for a medical emergency. A driver may point to favorable weather, implying that their erratic behavior couldn’t have been caused by fog, rain, or snow. They might also point to their lack of evasive actions, implying complete unconsciousness before impact. Finally, a defense could claim that they have no memory of the incident.

Sometimes, this defense proves successful. But this is not always the case – and an experienced personal injury lawyer can expose drivers who are simply trying to dodge liability.

Find an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer in New Hampshire 

If you were hurt in a truck accident, the so-called “medical emergency” defense should not allow a negligent trucker to escape consequences. With help from an experienced truck accident lawyer in Manchester, you can hold negligent parties accountable for the injuries you have suffered. Contact The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC to confidently pursue justice today.




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