Manchester Personal Injury Lawyer Explains Preparing for Depositions

In your personal injury case, you might be required to participate in a deposition, and your Manchester personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC will work with you so that you are prepared. Both prior to and during the inquiry, it is important for you to remember that how you answer the questions asked of you will affect how your case will be ultimately valued. The other lawyer will be trying to see how likable a jury will find you and discover any holes in your case they can attack. The following will help you prepare.
Before the Deposition
There are several things that you should do prior to your deposition date. If you were sent interrogatories, you should read through your responses. It is important for you to take time to think about all of the ways your injuries have impacted your life. Additionally, you should review the list of medical professionals you saw for your injuries in chronological order, so that your testimony will be very clear. Prior to your deposition, you should discuss how your loss of income has affected you, including the amounts you have lost. Lastly, you should give some thoughts about how your injuries have impacted your life, both at work and at home. It may be a good idea for you to draw out a diagram of the accident scene as well, but you should review this with your attorney.
During the Deposition
You should dress professionally for the deposition. Answer truthfully and get straight to the point. Do not get angry and remain calm. Never exaggerate or minimize your injuries. Just say you don’t remember if you don’t. Never interrupt, and if the attorney makes assumptions that are wrong, correct them. Similarly, listen for incorrect paraphrasing of your answers and correct those. Never guess about speed, distances, and lighting. If asked, let the insurance lawyer know about any pre-existing injuries.
Contact a Manchester Personal Injury Lawyer
Depositions can seem like a frightening prospect. With careful preparation, you can be ready and make the experience a smoother one. To speak with a Manchester personal injury lawyer, call the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC at 603-624-7200.