Manchester Divorce Lawyer Discusses Divorce Mistakes to Avoid

While a Manchester divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC can help spouses prepare for the journey ahead, many times clients adversely affect their own case. Some of the common mistakes that spouses make during the divorce are outlined below and in the following video.
Not Preparing
Before a spouse decides to get a divorce, he or she should meet with a Manchester divorce lawyer. While this may make the spouse feel disloyal, it is important that he or she takes certain steps to prepare for the upcoming divorce. There are certain financial moves that he or she can make and certain documents that he or she can gather that will make the divorce process easier and less expensive.
Not Communicating
Divorce is an emotionally-wrought time. Feelings of disloyalty, heartbreak, and bitterness can easily arise. This may cause spouses to fight over every potential issue in the divorce, from who will get what asset to how the children should be raised. In many divorces, if the spouses can find a way to cooperate, it is easier and less expensive for both of them, not to mention the children.
Communicating Too Much
However, spouses also need to be aware that they are technically adversaries in an upcoming legal proceeding. Sometimes a spouse may trust the other spouse too much and divulge information that can later be used against him or her in the proceedings. A Manchester divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC can help explain what type of information a spouse can share with the other spouse and what type of information should remain a confidential discussion between attorney and client.
Legal Assistance from our Manchester Divorce Lawyer
If you have questions about other mistakes that are commonly made in a divorce, watch the following video, then contact a Manchester divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC at 603-624-7200 to schedule a confidential consultation.