Our Manchester Car Accident Attorney Discusses How Reasonable Mid-Sized Insurance Companies Approach Claims

Our Manchester car accident attorney may have experience dealing with very different insurance companies with very different approaches to claims. Some high-end car insurance carriers attract customers with low premiums and readily identifiable mass marketing. If you constantly see television commercials, web ads or newspaper ads with these companies, it is likely that the insurance company adopts a conservative approach to claims. They are able to afford such marketing and lower premiums due to this characteristic. In contrast, if you are dealing with an insurance carrier whose name you may not recognize, it is more likely that it is a mid-sized insurance company. Such companies often have a much more reasonable approach when handling claims. You may be able to pursue your claim with the help of a Manchester personal injury lawyer and receive fair compensation of your claim without having to step foot into a courtroom.
Characteristics of Mid-Sized Insurance Companies
Our Manchester car accident attorney can explain that some of these mid-sized companies are national while others are regional. They may be characterized as companies that usually resolve cases outside of court. They may even recommend mediation over a lawsuit in order for the insurance adjuster to see the strength of a victim’s case.
Characteristics of Representatives of Mid-Sized Insurance Companies
Due to the different approach and philosophy of the insurance company, a Manchester car accident lawyer can explain that the adjusters who work for these companies often contrast markedly from adjusters who work for large, conservative insurance companies. Representatives of large insurance companies may quickly deny valid claims. They may not respond to threats of a lawsuit. They know that their insurance company has the resources at its disposal to battle small claims in order to prevent the company from getting a reputation as a constant settler. In contrast, adjusters who work for mid-sized insurance companies may be more receptive to information. They may carefully review documentation supporting the victim’s claim. An attorney who is used to battling with large insurance companies may mistake the cooperative nature of the mid-sized insurance company adjuster because the experience is very distinct from the hassle that he or she is accustomed to. He or she may mistakenly believe that the insurance adjuster is playing hardball when this may not be the case. However, an experienced attorney knows that the adjuster for the mid-sized company must be approached in a different manner.
Insurance adjusters and personal injury attorneys may be able to work together to create an acceptable result. Sometimes an insurance adjuster may seem that he or she is ignoring the claim. This may not be the case. The adjuster may be busy with other claims. He or she may be overloaded with work. Often, the Manchester personal injury lawyer and the insurance adjuster can reach a settlement after they both explain their philosophies concerning accident claims and their positions.
Legal Assistance from a Manchester Car Accident Attorney
If you would like more information about reasonable mid-sized insurance companies, contact a Manchester car accident attorney from the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC at 603-624-7200 and schedule a confidential consultation.