How Your Manchester Personal Injury Attorney Serves You

Injuries happen even when people are trying to be careful, but a Manchester personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC is prepared to help. After an injury, it is important that the injured victim be made whole again. After all, most injury victims are unprepared for the financial, emotional and physical damage they suffer. To help you receive just compensation, it’s best to contact a Manchester personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC who will provide professional service in three important stages; investigation, negotiation and litigation. To help you better understand the situation, here is information on these three stages of the process in more detail.
Once retained, your attorney will go about investigating the injury scene as may be necessary. They will take notes and pictures, as well as gather relevant data. It is important for you to detail as much as possible about the situation before, during, and immediately after the incident. It may not be readily apparent just what evidence might prove important until later. Your Manchester personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC will also want to review your medical records and bills. The injuries sustained and the cost to receive treatment needs documentation. Also, official reports from the police, witnesses and parties to the lawsuit require gathering and reviewing. This stage is about virtually recreating what transpired at the time of your injury. Doing so is necessary so you can present the correct narrative to the courts and file the right claim for damages.
Once your Manchester personal injury attorney has an idea of the events surrounding the injury and the full losses suffered, they then begin negotiation. Your attorney will speak to your insurance company to find out about insurance coverage. Insurers will want documentation of any injuries, which is why this information needs to collect this information in the first stage. After deciding how much damage has been done, your attorney will send the other party a settlement demand letter. This document is the first attempt to end things before you have to go to court. If the opposition responds with a “low ball” amount, then your attorney will likely reject it in the interest of justice.
If it proves impossible to agree upon a reasonable settlement, then it is time to move to the next stage; litigation. Your Manchester personal injury attorney will file an official complaint for damages with the county or local court. As part of the litigation stage, your attorney will undertake a discovery of the facts. Each side sends questions they need answered to help prepare their case. There may also be a need for you to participate in face-to-face interviews, called depositions. Discovery provides you the opportunity to find out just what evidence the other party has and whether they have a strong case. If further attempts to settle prove fruitless, then you will proceed to trial.
Contact a Manchester Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you have been injured through no fault of your own, contact a Manchester personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC at 603-624-7200 to ensure the best results.