How Your Manchester Auto Accident Lawyer Will Investigate Your Case

After your Manchester auto accident lawyer agrees to take your case, he or she will begin an investigation into your personal injury claim. Based on the basic facts and information you have provided, your lawyer will want to explore and review the facts in more depth. This will usually mean that your Manchester auto accident lawyer will want to obtain the following:
Witness statements from any witnesses from the car accident.
Police reports from the accident.
All of your relevant medical reports and records relating to your injuries from the accident.
Any medical bills you have incurred from the accident. Your lawyer may also want to hire an investigator to dig deeper into details of the incident that are unclear, and will contact the insurance company of the person or party who was responsible for your injuries (if that person had insurance).
Your Responsibilities
Once investigation into your claim begins, you will have certain responsibilities that will make it easier for both you and your lawyer to continue litigating your claim.
Continue to see your treating physician regularly and follow all recommended treatments, whether physical therapy, medication, or other. It is important that you do what you can to recover from your injuries quickly.
Keep ongoing records of any loss of income related to your injuries, for example, from having to take time off work.
Keep track of any medical bills you incur and other expenses related to your injury. These will be used to calculate your expected damages.
Keep track of people you know can act as witnesses to your injuries.
Contact a Manchester Auto Accident Lawyer
For more information on what you can do to pursue a personal injury claim, contact a Manchester auto accident lawyer at the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. Call 603-624-7200.