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Fires Are Completely Out of Control in New Hampshire


Within the past few weeks, New Hampshire has seen a stunning number of fires. These include fires at concerts, homes, theaters, and apartments. Some of these blazes have been linked to arson. If you believe that your fire-related injuries were caused by some form of negligence, you may have the right to sue. Contact an experienced burn injury lawyer in Manchester to get started with an action plan.

Multiple Deadly Fires Reported in New Hampshire Within Days 

In Late April of 2024, firefighters in New Hampshire announced several fires across the state, including four deadly blazes. All of these fires occurred within a single week. Fire officials called it “one of the busiest weeks” in their careers, with one experienced firefighter admitting that he had never seen so many tragic blazes within a seven-day period.

In total, nine fires occurred within a single week. Four of these fires proved deadly, with three perishing from residential blazes. The fourth fatality occurred after a vehicle fire connected with a deadly crash. In one fire, a man died in his apartment from smoke inhalation. Although the cause of the fire is under investigation, there is some suggestion that it began on the rear porches of the structure.

Evidence of Arson Emerges 

In early May of 2024, reports of potential arson began to surface. Investigators are now trying to determine why so many fires occurred in downtown Manchester within such a short time frame. Although arson is far from confirmed, police urged anyone with information about the fires to come forward.

Hundreds Flee From Burning Theater in Plymouth 

In Plymouth, a historic theater went up in flames – forcing hundreds of concertgoers to flee for their lives. Authorities say that the fire began at a nearby business before spreading into the theater. A total of 450 citizens successfully evacuated from the Flying Monkey Performance Center. Miraculously, only a single firefighter suffered a minor shoulder injury.

Home in Derry Explodes 

The fires continued unabated, with an explosion reported during the first week of May in Derry. This blast severely injured at least one individual. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, although negligence may have been to blame. Often, landlords fail to set up proper fire safety systems – and this form of negligence can lead to a premises liability lawsuit.

Contact The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC 

If you’re serious about taking legal action after a preventable fire, contact the Manchester personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC. With our help, you can strive for the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses, missed wages, disfigurements, and other damages. We have helped numerous injured plaintiffs throughout Manchester, and we are well aware of how life-altering fires can be. Book a consultation today to get started.






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