Can You Sue For Hazing In New Hampshire?

Fraternities and sororities have been a unique part of the American college experience since the early 19th century. Today, there are approximately 9 million student and alumni members of fraternities and sororities in North America, including approximately 750,000 current undergraduate members. At our own office, Attorney Michaila M. Oliveira and Kathryn, our medical records coordinator and legal assistant, are both members of Kappa Delta Sorority. While the vast majority of fraternity and sorority members have an exciting and fun-filled experience, unfortunately, instances of hazing (both Greek life and sports team related) still exist. If you or a family member has been hurt or injured in a hazing incident by any school organization or sports team, you may be able to sue for the damages caused and you should get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in New Hampshire as soon as possible. These legal professionals can guide you towards a fair, adequate settlement in the most efficient way possible. As you’ll see, there are many possible options if you’re seeking legal action. The best thing you can do is book a consultation and discuss your unique situation with a legal professional. From there, you can receive targeted legal advice and take your first steps forward.
How Can You Sue for a Hazing Injury?
The first step is to receive medical attention for your injury. Not only is medical attention necessary for your health, but also medical records are important for documenting your injuries and how they were caused. Next, you’ll need to determine who was actually to blame. The obvious choice is to sue the individual who engaged in the actual hazing. Next, you might consider suing the fraternity as a whole, especially if the local “chapter” is just one branch of a much larger organization that spans the nation, or the sports team of the perpetrator. Finally, you may be able to sue the school or other overseeing organization– especially if you can prove that they were aware of the dangerous hazing rituals and yet did nothing to address the situation.
Hazing Is a Serious Issue in New Hampshire
On June 14th, it was reported that a total of 46 members of a New Hampshire University fraternity were facing charges for a hazing incident that occurred back in April. The exact nature of this hazing incident was not revealed, but obviously it was serious enough for the authorities to react swiftly and decisively.
It’s worth mentioning that hazing is actually a crime in New Hampshire, and it is considered a class B misdemeanor. The organization itself is facing fines of up to $20,000, while each student could face a fine of up to $1,200. Of course, this is only the beginning of the fraternity’s legal issues, and they might also face civil lawsuits in the future.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled Manchester personal injury attorney, look no further than the Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira PLLC. With our assistance, you can hold various negligent parties accountable for injuries you might have sustained while participating in college-related activities. There is no excuse for this type of misconduct, and you deserve the right to take legal action. Book your consultation today and take your first steps towards a fair, adequate financial settlement.