Can You Sue a Gym for Injuries in New Hampshire?

According to Statista, about 20% of the entire US population goes to the gym on a regular basis. For these individuals, the gym represents an opportunity to stay healthy, boost mental health, and challenge themselves. However, the gym can also be a dangerous place. If you were injured in a gym, you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. To explore this possibility in more detail, book a consultation with a premise liability lawyer in Manchester.
Famous Rock Climber Suffers Fatal Fall at New Hampshire Gym
In May of 2024, a well-known rock climber fell to his death while training at a gym in Manchester. This incident occurred at a dedicated “climbing gym” with artificial rock walls. The victim was apparently 50 feet off the ground when he lost his grip on the wall and fell to the floor. This gym is known for having the tallest artificial rock walls in Manchester, and it employed the victim as a “team member.”
What makes this story particularly noteworthy is that the climber was not using any safety equipment while climbing the wall. It’s not clear what prompted him to abandon his harness, but one might argue that the accident wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
Is It Easy to Sue a Gym For Injuries?
There are various challenges that may arise when attempting to sue a gym for injuries. One issue is the so-called “assumption of risk” all gym users accept when using the facility. Defendants may argue that the gym users should have been aware that certain activities are inherently dangerous. This may be especially relevant when attempting to sue for injuries caused by heavy weights.
Another potential challenge involves waivers. Most gym users sign waivers before using gym facilities. Although waivers are not “iron-clad” in court, they may prevent a variety of gym-related lawsuits. A waiver is a legal agreement stating that you accept responsibility for injuries.
However, there are some cases where gym injury lawsuits are possible. An obvious example involves an accident caused by defectively designed gym equipment.
Employees of gyms may also file workers’ compensation claims after becoming injured during the course and scope of their work,. This also applies to fatal accidents, and surviving family members may pursue death benefits.
Find an Experienced Premise Liability Lawyer in Manchester
If you’ve been searching for an experienced premise liability lawyer in Manchester, look no further than The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC. With our help, you can strive for positive outcomes after an injury at a gym, climbing wall, grocery store, or any other establishment. We have spent years fighting for the rights of injured plaintiffs in New Hampshire, and we can do the same for you. Reach out today, book your consultation, and get started with an effective action plan.