Brake Failure Causes 60-mph Crash in New Hampshire

Most auto manufacturers can be relied upon to supply motorists with effective braking systems. Of all the various auto components, brakes are perhaps the most important. Without effective brakes, we lose the ability to avoid impacts. The importance of brakes was on clear display after a recent crash in New Hampshire. What can you do if your car crashed because of brake failure? Can you sue?
Woman Narrowly Escapes Serious Injuries After Fiery Crash
In May of 2024, CBS News reported that a woman had narrowly escaped catastrophic injuries after her brakes suddenly failed on Route 101 in New Hampshire. The woman says that she was traveling along the highway when she heard a loud explosion emanating from somewhere in her vehicle. Shortly thereafter, all of the lights in her dashboard flashed – indicating serious issues throughout the vehicle. She then attempted to apply the brakes – but nothing happened.
Impressively, the woman kept her cool and let the car coast for five miles without crashing. Although she had no braking power, she was able to avoid collisions and eventually drift to a stop. Upon locating a grassy area, she pulled over and exited the vehicle. By that point, her car had burst into flames – and she did not escape entirely unharmed. During the incident, she suffered smoke inhalation and a minor burn – injuries that required hospitalization.
Various parties were impressed with how the woman handled the situation. However, it could have been much worse. If the road had been busier, the woman may not have been able to avoid colliding with another vehicle. The presence of fire also posed a serious hazard. If the flames had erupted faster and with more intensity, the woman would have faced a difficult choice: Either jump out of her vehicle at full speed, or stay inside and incur serious burns.
There was no word on why the brakes had suddenly failed. CBS News declined to identify the exact brand or model of the vehicle, although the photos of the burning wreck show an average-looking, silver sedan. One has to wonder whether the brake failure was caused by some kind of defect in the vehicle. Another possibility is that a negligent mechanic somehow damaged the brakes while attempting to conduct repairs. On a somewhat darker note, the woman’s brakes could have been intentionally sabotaged.
Regardless of the root cause, plaintiffs may be able to pursue legal action after suffering injuries caused by brake failures, fiery crashes, and similar incidents in New Hampshire.
Work With an Experienced Auto Accident Lawyer in New Hampshire
You may be eligible for compensation after brake failure in New Hampshire. Depending on your situation, a range of negligent plaintiffs may be liable for your injuries. To discuss this situation in more detail, it makes sense to discuss your situation alongside an experienced injury attorney. Reach out to the Manchester car accident lawyers at The Law Office of Manning Zimmerman & Oliveira, PLLC today to get started with an action plan.